Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tasks For The Week

I've got 5 pairs of similar black or blue shorts that are my year round at home clothes. The back seam wears out and I just sew it again. It's been a really long time since I repaired them and they are loose enough that it isn't really noticeable. But it's time to do them. I've only got three to work on as I'm wearing a pair and a pair are in the laundry. So they will get done when they are washed, before next task day!

When you think that you can take shortcuts but really shouldn't bad things happen! I didn't bother to pin the extra material out of the way and ended up sewing it to the seam. Great I thought, I can use it on the blog post. Sew, sew. And I did it again on another one!

My son will probably be going off to university next year, so I'll have to move to a smaller place. We live in a big two bedroom apartment and I'll more than likely have to move to a small one bedroom, which means that I'll have to get rid of a lot of stuff. Knowing how well I like to procrastinate I should get started.

I finished my studies 11 years ago and still have a lot of my notes and stuff in one cupboard. I thought that I could start there and go through it. Maybe a binder a week until they are done? This week's has 7 sections so I'm aiming to look at one section a day.

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